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Nelu Bulanin

Symbolically this three-month-old baby ceremony (105 days) means releasing the negative influences brought by “Nyama Catur” and at the same time welcoming the arrival of the elements of the Panca Maha Butha, i.e. Pertiwi, Apah, Teja, Bayu, Akasa (earth, water, fire, air and ether) to unite and strengthen the physical and psychological of the baby.

During this three-month old baby ceremony, the baby will be blessed from Dewa Raditya or Siwaditya. First of all, the baby will be dressed up and wears jewelry. The Nyama Catur are also sanctified. After the ceremony, the Nyama Catur changed the names into I Malipa, I Malipi, I Bapa Bajang and I Babu Bajang.